Studies show that successful home schooling doesn’t necessarily depend on the academic credentials of the parents.
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But I’m not a teacher!!
By Web Admin Audio Blog, Uncategorized Jun 02, 2018
Your authority, as perceived by your child, is key to successful child discipline. Without the perceived authority on the part of your kids, your attempts at discipline will be ineffective.
Do some kids rebel?
By Web Admin Audio Blog, Uncategorized May 10, 2018
Some experts suggest that setting high standards will cause your children to rebel. Do children reject high moral standard by going off the rails? Should parents lower standards to avoid total rejection of expectations?
Should I apologize if the other person is at majority fault? What if my culpability is in response to being hurt, demeaned, or offended? I wouldn’t have any blame if not for the other person starting it.
The Subtle Effects of Television
By Web Admin Audio Blog, Uncategorized Apr 30, 2018
Some television programs are valuable for their education and communication content. Having said that, most people know that a lot of what’s on TV is pure sludge. In addition, television has some subtle effects that you should be aware of.