What percentage of all weddings are second marriages for at least one of the spouses?
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What percentage of weddings are second marriages?
By Web Admin Audio Blog, Uncategorized Jun 17, 2018
Discipline Imprinting
By Web Admin Uncategorized Jun 14, 2018
Discipline Imprinting: You are less likely to be challenged by your children when they realize that there will be consequences.
So-Called Experts & Positive Parenting
By Web Admin Audio Blog, Parenting, Uncategorized Jun 06, 2018
The positive parenting method sounds sweet, kind and enlightened. But does it work in the real world with real children? We explore what the parenting experts say and reveal the most effective discipline methods.
But I’m not a teacher!!
By Web Admin Audio Blog, Uncategorized Jun 02, 2018
Studies show that successful home schooling doesn’t necessarily depend on the academic credentials of the parents.
Your authority, as perceived by your child, is key to successful child discipline. Without the perceived authority on the part of your kids, your attempts at discipline will be ineffective.