What is at the root of criticism? When I make choices for myself, for my family, for my religion, sometimes close friends and family members are very critical. What is at the crux of this disapproval of the way I choose to live my life?
Dr. Ray's Audio Files
Listen here for commentary from Dr. Ray.
Dr. Ray takes a call from a woman tempted to leave the Church because of the sex abuse crisis.
By Web Admin Uncategorized Aug 08, 2018
A caller into Dr. Ray’s radio show is tempted to leave the Church because of the sex abuse crisis. Here’s what he tells her…
Gratitude has many benefits!
By Web Admin Uncategorized Aug 06, 2018
A friend of mine once said to me, “It’s hard to be depressed if you’re grateful.” Setting aside that certain percentage of depression that is biochemically induced, I agree! Gratitude has many benefits!
Why teenagers don’t want to be seen with their parents…
By Web Admin Audio Blog, Parenting Aug 01, 2018
Is it normal for adolescents and teens to not want to be seen with their parents? The ‘experts’ will tell you it’s part of their natural desire for autonomy as they mature. I submit that it’s a prevailing cultural phenomenon caused by too much entertainment and technology which are all competing for the attention of the youth.
Is the teenage attitude just a natural developmental phase where they lose the zest they had as little kids? Or have we nurtured this teen attitude with the modern culture? I believe teenagers as a group would be more enthusiastic and upbeat if we didn’t create a surrounding culture of go-go, get-get, more-more stimulation. Listen as I site an informal field experiment to validate this idea.