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About Dr. Ray

Dr. Ray Guarendi is a Catholic father of ten adopted children, a clinical psychologist, author, professional speaker, and national radio and television host. His radio show, “The Dr. Is In” can be heard on over 440 stations and Sirius XM channel 130. His TV show, “Living Right With Dr. Ray” can be seen on EWTN Global Catholic Network and is aired in 140 countries.

We have a few tips for you.

Dr. Ray's Audio Files

Trophies for everyone! Really?!

Curse or a Blessing?

You are in a sliver of a minority

The Power of a Child’s Perception of Authority

The Great Writing Cliché

What exactly is a panic attack?

Distress is not danger!

Why are people so afraid of Christians?

Parenting Revolution!

Using Las Vegas Principles to Better Raise Kids

Let siblings solve their own conflicts – not!

Uh Oh! A logic problem with the Bible…

Panic Attack is Most Often Anxiety

CS Lewis Makes a Rational Case for Purgatory

Do you welcome insults?

The Mind-Shaping Power of the Culture

The New Value Neutral Language

You’re not the boss of me, Catholic Church

Is that host really Jesus Christ?

Rescue Syndrome

Letter Overload

Do sitcoms shape your parenting?

They care that you care that they don’t care!

Why can’t someone accept your deepest held beliefs?

Assigning motives to the actions of others can backfire.

Can you predict how your child will behave in the future?

We’re not always good at predicting how we’ll react.

Is faith in Jesus dead?

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Be careful who you complain to!

The experts are uneasy with strict discipline

Holding Parents Accountable for Children’s Horrific Behavior

What Is Your Personal Apology Percentage?

Did the Holy Spirit make a mistake?

For Lent, give up something a lot harder than chocolate covered peanuts

Who are you leaving your money to?

Does discipline break the spirit?

Are you a slave to your cellphone?

You’re Not Really Sorry

That’s Not Me!

The Power of the Cell Phone’s Ding

Don’t write people off because they’re non-believers!

Smart Phones vs. Conversations

Reacting Better to Difficult People

Reinforcing Consequences for Kids

Men and Women ARE Different!

The Predatory Nature of Smart Phone Technology

Time-Limited Holiday Frustrations

When is criticism acceptable?

Leaving Common Sense Behind

Don’t judge truth by those who don’t follow it.

He doesn’t listen!

Are You Prickly?

Battered Parent Syndrome

Kids and Social Influencing

Do You Want To Be Content?

God, how do you do that?

Save Catastrophic Language for the Really Big Stuff!

Save catastrophic language for the really big stuff.

What’s it going to hurt?

Self Identity With Broad Effects

Comfort Zone

The Futile Lecture

Anger Management Issues

Will perfect parenting standards backfire?

Give your kids a work ethic

What the media wants us to think…

Personal Apology Percentage

Hate Speech

God & St. Francis Discuss Mowing the Lawn

The Cascade Effect

Don’t Shove Your Morals on Me!

The Durability of Personality

Are You A Liar?

Are you easy-going?

Parenting Kids Under Peer Pressure

The Great Parental Fear

Hard-Hitting LGBT Statistics

What the heck are dreams?

The Tyranny of the Theory

Facebook makes you doubt your parenting.

Which kid do you love most?

Why is this child so frustrating?

Social Media & Misery: Protect Your Child!

Why don’t so many not think about the afterlife?

Your mom took care of you when you didn’t remember…

Balancing Family & Elder Parents

When adult children shun their parents

Can you be your child’s best friend?

Danger is Not Distress

Strength training is not just for younger folks!

Kids want you to think you’re psychologically damaging them

Have you walked in my shoes?

The Toys R Us Truck

Kids Are Psychologically Slick

Gratitude is a Muscle to be Exercised

Good Manners Today

Apathy: Kids work hard at it!

Fragility of Self-Image

Why am I so anxious?

Who said your parents are toxic?

Are you the upper limit of what your children can become?

Expressing or Disrespect?

Overstuffed With Stuff!

Knowing why doesn’t really help.

A way to forgive more easily…

A heart-wrenching call about abortion…

Am I critical or what?

Phraseology of Achieving

Just Ignore It!

Don’t go extreme on me!

The Law of Social Entropy

What do you expect?

Are Old People Invisible?

Little Kids Jokes: The Bane of Parenthood

The Right to Privacy

He Doesn’t Listen!

Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde

Can a person be your near occasion of sin?

Is your kid’s room a trash pit?

Do your kids help with the housework?

Are You Spoiled?

True Self Image

Is that really Jesus in the Eucharist?

Resolve to Conquer Anxiety

The Marriage Test

You can’t hurt me; I won’t let you.

It Won’t Hurt Him!

I’m a Good Person!

You can’t protect them forever!

Kids and the Right to Privacy

Life’s Not Fair!

What did you give up for Lent?

Because I Said So!

Quiet Authority

Red Corvette Discipline

How much money would it take for you to not saying anything?

A Dirty Communication Trick

A Child’s Behavior Can Make Him Unhappy

It’s all in the perception

Columbo Parenting

Taking the sting out of others’ words

Getting Fit: Just Show Up!

Guarendi Family Christmas Letter

Too many toys under the Christmas tree?

Is self esteem a good thing?

How Covid Altered the American Psyche

Happy Thanksgiving!

Is your skill a curse?

Is your skill a curse?

From Victim to Predator

Can we predict violence?

Don’t just act, “I’m sorry.”

You expect me to be perfect!

You expect me to be perfect!

Is rolling eyes disrespectful?

As long as it takes…

Experts don’t like discipline.

Mental health types don't like discipline.

Am I normal?

Do you want to be normal?

A Frightening Experiment

Peers ignoring the peers rule

Homeschoolers do not follow the peers rules.

Are you psychologically damaging your child by the way you talk?

Are you psychologically damaging your child by the way you talk?

Perception of Authority

Am I normal?

Am I normal?

Are you smarter than an ant?

Are you smarter than an ant?

Are you a narcissist?

Me Too Tattoo!

The popularity of tattoos

How much risk can you live with?

How much risk can you live with?

How dare you imply I could be a holier spouse?

Which kid do you like best?

Social Media: A sticker system on steroids!

Social Media: A sticker system on steroids!

Formula Parenting

Could this be an early sign of dementia?

Am I wonderful or what?

Am I wonderful or what?

Can you predict how you will handle a situation?

Are you smart?

Why Work?

You Don’t Trust Me!

What do you say when your teenager says "You don't trust me!"

Discipline: A Marathon – Not a Sprint

Why does Mom go ballistic?

Are the Gospels real?

Are the Gospels real?

What’s so good about Good Friday?

What's so good about Good Friday?

One Issue Voter

Examining single issue voters...

Bed Time Bad Times

Bed Time Bad Times

Helping loved ones’ change their self-destructive behavior

Covid-19: Unintended Effects & Invisible Victims

Little Children Don’t Follow Any Rules

Don't expect the littlest ones to follow any rules.

You’d better give something up

You’d better give something up!

Watch out for the ‘WHY?’

Watch out for the "WHY?"

Who declares your self-image?

I don’t understand God.

I don't understand God.

The Unintended Consequences of Divorce

The Best Expression of Compassion

Be at Peace

Fight, Flight or Fright?

Why wait until January 1st to make resolutions?

New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions

The Meaning of Christmas

An Old Guarendi Christmas Letter

Shell Shocked 2nd Child Syndrome

Shell shocked 2nd child syndrome

How is your child wired?

Panic Attacks

Mandatory Mass?

Double Man-o-log! Do you believe a liar? And Incomprehensible to me.

Law of Diminishing Return

Parenting by Consensus

Are you afraid of seeing Jesus?

Did you cause your child to be that way?


Each month I send out an email containing a video, an audio or some other valuable tidbit designed to educate, enlighten or entertain. It’s free! Subscribe now to get your free stuff! Unsubscribe whenever you want. I look forward to helping you and yours have happier, healthier families and relationships! -Dr. Ray

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